This is FOUR pins, cannot be separated.
Sam in 3.5 inches gold plated with 6 color screen-printed details and 3 posts, Bucky is 2.3 inches with 4 color screen-printed details with two posts.
Read for Grade Info:
A Grade: As close as perfect as I can possibly get. All the pins pictures in the pictures above are A grades. All 4 pins in this grade will be A grade.
B Grade: Slight scuffs, and screen printing issues but none that are extremely visible from afar. Sam will be B Grade, extra Pins will vary between A Grades and B Grades.
C Grade: Slight scuffs and significant issues with screen printing but could be DIY'd better, they just need a loving home. May be very noticeable since most of the issues occurred on Sam's eye. Sam will be C Grade, extra Pins will vary between A, B and C Grades.